Mahitahi Kōtukutuku Papakāinga

The Mahitahi Kainga is a social housing project in Otara, Tāmaki Makarau consisting of 41 single bed apartments, Whanau apartment and Whare Manaaki. Common space is clustered together in a central landscaped courtyard creating a community focused approach encouraging interaction and connection between residents. The Whare Manaaki provides communal space for gathering, kai, hui and other events as well as 3 office or consult spaces on the mezzanine allowing services to brought on to the site to enable the tangata whaiora better access to healthcare, social and financial services.

"We want our whānau well. We've always wanted our whānau well. Housing is a basic human right and if you haven't got somewhere to call home, you're lost forever. We wanted to give them a place to call home. It's simple."

Raewyn Allan for the NZ Herald


Kāinga Tuatahi (2016)


Paetutu (2020)